Saturday, November 21, 2020



Hello, reader's here I'm sharing my views regarding flint learning activity given by honorable prof Dilip Barad sir, to expand our critical thinking skills in much clearer way, so lets began.....

First we will see about Flint learning, 

"Flint is an extremely user friendly platform, it serves all our academic and administrative needs. Students from a urban as well as semi urban areas are able to use it easily"

Philosophical things existing and begin with each thinking subject individual subject, show the philosophical thinking of existentialism main forces on passion freedom and individualism. 

Existentialism easy note which only arise questions, it also gives the fact of things , existentialism denotes that  absurdity and  aggravation is because people believing in god which cal philosophical suicide, andhadhun believing in a god or not but believing in social constructions which is harmful for someone else is called absence of knowledge which becomes the strong force of having question of existence.

Video 1( Questions)

1) Presence of Social constructions  is a strong force of having question of existence? 

2) Do believing in God is called philosophical suicide?

3) How suicide can ultimate end of work of art? 

Video 2 

                       Learning Out come:

In video two I get to know about the myth of Sisyphus as well as philosophical suicide and  the observed reasoning of life says that that is the ultimate and of life but suicide is an individual act. 

World is illusion in I want a divorce all set norms of life then absurdity is the only connection with death. A very important question about that does absurdity leads towards Hope or suicide? Sudha hope in life is like voice process. 

Video 2 ( Questions) 

1) if life is absurd, and suicide is ultimate end of life, it's all related with psychology of mind of individuals, the question is what is the relationship of psychology and existentialism? 

2) Does the absurdity leads towards hope aur suicide? 

3)  World is illation, I want a divorce...."Death is my Mistress" ,  can we study this metaphor of Mistress as an illusion of living life\] 

Video 3 

Learning Out come:

" Feelings is nothing more than feelings" 

Question is that what is observed and how it is occurred, in video 3 we come to know that only the connection of man's emotion with this world is the main force of rising absurdity in life. 

People try to escape from this absurdity because other one can live in a physical suicide on a physical suicide, individual state of mind needs to stay her or himself pertinent state of individualism, Sudha question of God and it is stand in front of us that one can be rational and can free from the all kind of structures of society. 

Video 3 

1) what is the relationship between social construction of absurd life and Albert camus is method of escapism from absurd life? 

2) Does existentialism creates a hegemony of life that either one can live in the state of physical suicide or philosophical suicide? 

Video 4 

Learning Out come:

In in this video the very well known concept of dadaism and Nihilism denotes idea of life. so the basic meaning of dadaism is a quest for change or creation is the primary goal of the daizam and the IT arises the question over exist existence and objects which is already exist. 

today is I'm questions like who you are and what others are imposed value of which others are created for you,today is a means one should have free of everything in own value making out of a Venturi free from all traditions of values. 

Video 4

1) dadaism is a quest for change and creation is the primary goal dadaism ,then it would be the recreation of things, right? 

2) is my question destroying the all traditional values? 

3) Do belive in God is a way to make detachment from world? 

4) What would be the existence of Detached man/women? 

Video 5 

Learning Out come:

in this video we can see there exist racialism is a very gloomy philosophy then an anxiety disappear absurdity can take place and we never faced this argument in the arena of existentialism. 

Existentialism works on the idea of what gives us ultimate happiness and get free from all negative thoughts life + anxiety it means that live in the very idea of God and start believing in truth what is the only truth for you is a kind of happiness existentialism ask.

Video 5

1)  The aggressive thoght of existentialism is a result of emptiness of mind? 

2) Our proved Existence gives us the ultimate happiness and make us free from all Negetive thoughts on quest on self? 

3) How existentialism can rescue and cure people from gloomy absurdity and emptiness of life? 

Video 6 

Learning Out come:

Many people say existentialism and Nihilism are the same thing, but actually not very meaning of nihilism is that something which is loss of individuality. 

wool philosophical subject can be protected as an effort to promote subjectivity . Nihilism is the highest values and evaluate them self and all the could fight to evaluate of values.

Nihilism is a concept of passively accept the life, also give the new concept that responsibility to fight against suicide call rebellion. 

Video 7

1) "Human all to Human" what is the proper perspective regarding this statement by Nietzsche? 

2) Existentialism is only recognized the unsolved confusion of human being, then the only purpose of Existentialism is to make uncomfortable with current situation and raises the question of being? 

3) Existentialism helps to remove burden of massive unsolved problems? 

Video 7

1) "Human all to Human" what is the proper perspective regarding this statement by Nietzsche? 

2) Existentialism is only recognized the unsolved confusion of human being, then the only purpose of Existentialism is to make uncomfortable with current situation and raises the question of being? 

3) Existentialism helps to remove burden of massive unsolved problems? 

Video 8 

Learning Out come:

the clear concept of existentialism is that we do not need to believe in the constructions and rule we have own disciplines and rules social constructions and already Seth rules don't it has the universal morality which leads that governs all of us. 

In this video I get know very interesting concept and I am very impressed with it that it is "Ubermensche" which is connected with what's good and what's bad for example Superman have Jayate universal morality in his personality so he or she are running life with the moral purpose and using their powers in ethical way.

Video 8

1)  we don't need to believe in constructive rule of society , with this context how we can see the idea of discipline through Existentialist perspective? 

2) What is "Ubermensche"? 

3) Existentialism is a subject of individuality wherein the superheroes have a universal morality so what's the existing state of comman to super man in context of Liberty?

Video 9 

Learning Out come:

so in the final video existentialism appeals to our intellect but it also has a widely effect a work with the poetic side, it is a kind of quest between good or bad for to be or not to be in a general sense we can say that it is a fight between mind and heart of a person. 

Turn on the concept of about Holism , which I like the much is that this particular method of studying anything or any part of any literary work with the full study of each and every part of any particular work of art for example if you're going to study about universe or for human body with the concept of Holism we need to study this topics in very deeply with each and every part.

Video 9

1) "It appeals to my intellect but it also has a widely Evocative mytho- poetic side" with this sentence how we study the sentence from "Hamlet" -"To Be or not to be" ?

2) The universe is much more unknown part of human life we are tempting towards universe because we want to know what we lack (of knowledge) , can human being can study universe with the lens of Holism? 

3) What is "Strategic Iraverence" how it is connected with sense of Rebellion? 

Video 10 

Learning Out come:

show the last video which gives a very clear cut idea of existentialism is that what gives life meaning, what is the meaning of life what is the purpose of life, existentialist every meaningful thing is a meaningless here we see  the concept of nihilism, connected with the belief of ultimate meaningless of life but one more thing I would like to clear is that exist racialism is not at all atheism. 

Atheism and existentialism easy no way interesting things itself. In this particular last video I like the theory of theology which denotes that God made the universe or a world with the purpose of mind but I still don't understand how to study the theology with the perspective of existentialism.

so now it's time to ask questions regarding this video so here is my questions, 

Video 10

1)  How existence precedes the essence of meaning? 

2) Is Teleology is being made with the set of norms by society? it rather philosophical term? 

3) If Teleology is more philosophical and intellectual teen then can we say that it whould be the next step of atheism? 

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