Saturday, May 29, 2021

Eco-feminist reading of women in things fall apart

Eco-feminist reading of women in things fall apart

 Eco-feminism is a branch of criticism which seeks to analyze and interpret the relationship between women and nature. It describes movements and philosophies that link feminism with ecology. The term is believed to have been coined by the French writer Françoise d'Eaubonne in her book Le Féminisme ou la Mort in 1974.


  • Eco-feminism is based on the theory that the subjugation of women and the oppression of nature are linked together.

  • Eco-feminism is linked to the study of the internal and intricate relationship between women and ecology.

  • Eco-feminists believe that these connections are illustrated through traditionally "female" values such as reciprocity, nurturing and cooperation, which are present both among women and in nature. 

Women and nature

Women and nature are also united through their shared history of oppression by a patriarchal Western society. 

Women and nature are closely tied together and their role in society is predicated towards a common goal which is to nurture, reproduce and recreate. The primary aims of eco-feminism are not the same as those typically associated with liberal feminism./

Ecofeminists do not seek equality with men as such, Central to this liberation is a recognition of the value of the activities traditionally associated with women; childbirth, nurturing and the whole domestic arena.

Events and festivals in things fall apart

The Week of Peace

The exploitation of the women due to power class, gender and race are directly linked to the exploitation of our environment. All these are made manifest in Chinua Achebe’s Thing Fall Apart. In the novel, Things Fall Apart, the writer, perhaps consciously or unconsciously revealed through his writing this interconnectedness between women and nature. Week of Peace, devoted in her honor of Earth goddess. Season of harvest and the next planting Special norms and rules of this festival .

 He (Okonkwo) had beaten his wife, Ojiugo during the week of peace for her inability to provide his meal at the appropriate time, a duty she abandoned to go and plait her hair. It was Ezeani, the priest on Ani that spelt out the implication of this abominable act to Okonkwo, thereby showing the role, value and importance of the earth goddess in the lives of the Umuofia people. He had reprimanded Okonkwo in these words:

"Listen to me,’ he said when Okonkwo has spoken. ‘You are not a stranger in Umuofia. You know as well as I do that our forefathers ordained that before we plant any crops in the earth we should observe a week in which a man does not say a harsh word to his neighbor. We live in peace with our fellows to honor our great goddess of the earth without whose blessing our crops will not grow. You have committed a great evil….. (24)"

Feast of the New Yam

Another festival that honor's the goddess of Ani was the feast of the New Yam. It was an occasion for giving thanks to Ani, the earth goddess and the source of all fertility. Ani, was believed to play a greater part in the lives of the people more than any other deity. The role and place of Ani, the earth goddess can never be over emphasized in Umuofia community. When Ani is pleased, the community enjoys fertility and great harvest.

Again breaking of Reserved perspectives……

women in the novel were productive and fertile and Ani, blesses them all, yet Okonkwo would always find a way to molest his wives and by so doing threaten the peace of the community. Apart from desecrating the Week of Peace, he beats his second wife, Ekwefi for merely plucking leaves from a banana tree. He had beaten her and while the woman was crying and muttering something about Okonkwo’s gun that will never fire, Okonkwo almost killed her to prove to her that the gun has bullet and can kill.

Sacrifice a cock in things fall apart

Unoka had complained thus: ‘Every year, ‘he said sadly, ‘before I put any crop in the earth, I sacrifice a cock to Ani; the owner of all land. It is the law of our fathers. I also kill a cock at the shrine of  Ifejioku , The God of Yams. (13) The priestess hard criticized him thus: ‘You have offended neither the gods nor your fathers. harvest will be good or bad according to the strength of his arm you stay at home and offer sacrifices to a reluctant god. Go home and work like a man. (14) 

Critical Support to the Argument

 As Moslem Zolfagharkhani and Reyhaneh Sadat Shadpour project: 

“The culture of African people did not allow them to abuse nature. In fact, they asked their needs from the earth and sacrificed to appreciate its gifts and favors. The reason for which the colonizer tired to destroy this culture was because this culture did not allow the colonizer to exploit human beings and nature.”

 Okonkwo accidentally killed the son of Ezeudu during his burial, his mother’s place was the only place he could find peace, shelter and comfort in the seven years of his exile from Umuofia……….

Mother’s place and Repentance of Okonkwo

It was in Mbanta, his mother’s place that Okonkwo came close to realizing the value and importance of women in life. It was Uchendu, his Uncle that took him to explain the reality of this natural phenomenon, the interconnectivity between the earth and women to him in these words:

“It is true that a child belongs to its father. But when a father beat his child, it seeks sympathy in its mother’s hut. A man belongs to his fatherland when things are good and life is sweet. But when there is sorrow and bitterness he finds refuge in his motherland. Your mother is there to protect you. She is buried there. And that is why we say that mother is supreme… (107). 

Tragic End Of Things Fall Apart…

“Okonkwo ruled his household with a heavy hand. his wives, especially the youngest, lived in perpetual fear of his fiery temper, and so did his little children perhaps down in his heart Okonkwo was not a cruel man. But his whole life was dominated by fear, the fear of failure and of weakness. It was deeper and more intimate than the fear of evil and capricious gods and of magic, the fear of the forest, and of the forces of nature, malevolent, red in tooth and claw. Okonkwo’s fear was greater than these (11)

Okonkwo'ssuicide is an unspeakable act that strips him of all honor and denies him the right to an honorable burial. Okonkwo dies an outcast, banished from the very society he fought to protect. The novel's second tragedy occurs on the broader level of history. It was this fear that destroyed him in the end.

Conclusion:  every culture has its own traditions and cultural to perform in particular way as according to their fixed norms, when some one disturbs the whole process of keeping tradition at that time it becomes a historical monument to study that aspect with more accurate theories, things fall apart is one of the best tradition breaker novel in which we get ourselves confused that weather this novel consisting and projecting the ideas of ecofeminism so far the women's respect and the worship of nature is concerned on the other hand muscular power patriarchy and racism is also equall part of this novel. 

           Thank you 😊

  • Works Cited
  • Achebe, Chinua. Weebly. n.d. 28 May 2021. <>.
  • Nkechi, Ifechelobi Jane and Asika Ikechukwu Emmanuel. "Women and Ecology: An Eco-Feminist Reading of Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart." International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences 2.4 (2014): 33-40. PDF. 26 May 2021. <>.

Click here to see work citation

Mass media and it's importance


 Mass media and it's importance

"Mass communication--wonder as it may be technologically and something to be appreciated and valued--presents us wit a serious daner, the danger of conformism, due to the fact that we all view the same things at the same time in all the cities of the country". 

(p. 73)

-Rollo May, The Courage to Create

Media is a vehicle or means of communication that disseminates information from the source to the target public and any media intended for the larger audience is called mass media. From pictorial representations in the early age, massive production of newspapers, fancy videos on television to high-tech media combining the Internet and computers, there are variations in the type of mass media. Being the prime source of information, entertainment, marketing, advertising media, and motivation for everyone and everywhere in the world, you will, through this blog, learn about the different types of mass media and how it influences us!

What is Mass Media?

To put it simply, Mass Media can be defined as a technology which is intended to communicate or reach a mass audience. Mass media is actually the primary means of communication for the general public to communicate with each other as well as on a grander level. The most popular types of mass media include Newspapers, Radio, Television, Internet, Magazines and more! Mass Communication refers to the process of disseminating and exchanging information through diverse media platforms to reach the masses. Mass Communication is different from Mass Media because various forms of mass media like TV, Radio, the Internet, Print Media, Outdoor Media, etc. are used to facilitate mass communication, i.e. communicate certain information to the masses.

The most common types of Mass Communication are:

  • Journalism
  • Social Media
  • Films
  • Television
  • Radio
  • Advertising
  • Public Relations
  • Books, Magazines, Newspapers and Journals
  • Photography
  • Audio Media like Community Radio, Podcasts
  • Interactive Media like websites, video games, digital ads, etc.

Advantages of Mass Media

Advantages of Mass Media

  • Giving Voice to the Voiceless

  • Effective and Wider Communication

  • Diffusion of Diverse Cultures

  • Encyclopedia of Information

Characteristics of Mass Media

Mass Media comprises a wide range of media technologies to disseminate or reach over a larger audience through mass communication. The major characteristics of Mass Media are:

Mass Media constitutes both technical and institutional methods for communication, production and dissemination of news.It reaches larger audiences or masses and that’s why is referred to as mass media.

Mass Media has the power to influence society and is also impacted by what’s happening in society itself.Audience or the masses are offered with a wide variety of choices in terms of content, media platform, etc. to choose from the type of mass media they want to consume.

Functions of Mass Media

Mass media has been one of the most significant forces in modern culture. All types of mass media communication whether written, broadcast or spoken reach a larger audience thus creating a massive impact. Here are the important functions of Mass Media:

Mass media plays a crucial role in shaping how we view the world.Intensive use of mass media has resulted in the world to appear smaller and closer.It also promotes the distribution of goods and services.

The fundamental objectives of mass media are to inform, educate and entertain the masses.It is known to be an important player in democracy and the smooth functioning of the nation.

Media is the watchdog of society. Mass media works to transmit heritage and cultural values. The rise of new mass media creates a global platform to bring people together.

Types of Mass Communication

Mass Communication is termed as a medium of dispersing information to a large group of people. It is a means of disseminating information beyond physical and geographical restraints through various media. From folk songs, dances and theatres to radio, video games and social media, Mass Communication has always been an integral part of the human world. With time and the constant growth in communication technologies, the reach and ambit of mass communication has expanded aggressively. 

Four types of Mass Communication

1. Print Media: Newspapers, Magazines, Books and Novels, Comics, Journals and


2. Broadcast Media: Films, Television, Radio

3.Outdoor and Transit Media: Billboards, boardings, posters, banners

4. Digital Media/New Media: Social media, video platforms, websites, mobile apps,

e-books, podcasts, online radio

Traditional/Print Media

Amongst the conventional forms and types of Mass Communication, the print media comprises of those platforms that facilitate communication mainly through, written communication such as newspapers, books, journals, etc. In earlier times when cinema and TV hadn’t emerged, print media forms were utilised to publish the latest news and happenings as well as for entertainment purposes. Even in the digital age, print mediahasn’t lost its prominence as we still cherish the morning newspaper with a cup of tea as well as find leisure in reading our favourite novels in the paperback format rather than through a screen. 

The most crucial change brought to print media is that it has advanced towards online platforms as well since many newspapers have established as strong online presence to keep people updated about the latest happenings across the globe bringing them at the touch of our screens.


Radio is one of the oldest types of Mass Communication. It is a medium through whichel ectromagnetic signals are delivered over long distances. Being a traditional form of Mass Media, radio was earlier used to make news announcements, telecast important events and then it also started broadcasting music as well as entertaining conversational programs. With the digital age, online radio channels have emerged which made it more accessible than FMs that worked on certain frequencies and network connections.

Film and Television

When Thomas Edison invented the Kinetoscope by Thomas Edison, the phenomena of motion pictures came into being. Film and Television are the major sources of entertainment to more than 90% of the world’s total population. It is one of the most popular types of Mass Communication which include both audio-visual aspects of communication. Moving pictures and sounds along with interactive storytelling works in confluence with each other to provide content that is engaging and entertaining.

Moreover, the TV and Film industry is filled with massive career opportunities whether you are a creative writer or an imaginative visualizer. For those wanting to make a career in this branch of broadcast media, there are a multitude of courses available from Digital Filmmaking to Film Editing as well as Multimedia and Animation and Cinematography courses!


Advertising is the best way to communicate to the customers. Advertising helps informs the customers about the brands available in the market and the variety of products useful to them. Advertising is for everybody including kids, young and old. It is done using various media types, with different techniques and methods most suited.

Let us take a look on the main objectives and importance of advertising.

Benefits of Mass Communication 

Mass Communication is the most important source of information to the masses. It keeps the masses enlightened and updated about the happenings all around the world. Without various mediums of mass communication, 2021 would be a dark year. Even during the ongoing pandemic, it is only through various means of mass communication that the world was updated about the threat that Covid 19 is. 

It also has a major role to play in the authenticity of the news. It is the technique of reaching out to the corners of the world and help every individual form an opinion of their own. Mass communication also has an important role to play in globalisation and making the world a smaller place by keeping everyone connected to each other. 

Importance of Media

"What the mass media offers is not popular art, but entertainment which is intended to be consumed like food, forgotten, and replaced by a new dish"

-W. H. Auden, The Dyer's Hand

Media plays a very significant role in keeping everyone updated about the various events around the world. Today, we can check out the latest news and current affairs with just few clicks of mouse or by simply switching on the radio or television, apart from glancing at the newspaper every morning!

It's also the best medium of communication for mass audience. With the help of various media like electronic media, print media and web media, the mass communication method is accomplished in a suitable way.

A vast majority of people, all across the world, rely upon various sources of media for keeping themselves updated on various ongoing issues around the world. Media plays an important role for the whole society. Let us know and understand the significance of media through the following important points

Importance of Mass Media

1. Gives us immense knowledge & transmits information

2. Raises our consciousness

3. Raises voice against issues in societies

4. Provides true pictures and live telecast for various events

5. Educates the society 

In conclusion, the mass media plays a critical role in influencing the minds of individuals. Media keeps us dated about what is happening around the world. In conclusion, the medium is the message. ... Media focus on various and evils, political or economic crisis and guide people mass them.

Thank you

  • Works Cited
  • Almerja. 11 May 2018. 30 May 2021. <>.
  • Leverageedu. 27 January 2021. 30 May 2021. <>.
  • Leverageedu. 6 April 2021. 30 May 2021. <>.

Click here to see work citation

Friday, May 28, 2021

Radio as a mass media

 Radio as a Mass Medium 




In 21st century we have many tools for mass media communication like Radio, Television, Internet etc. but still People have an interest to pay attention Radio for news, entertainment purpose so allow us to discuss about Radio. Radio might be a fascinating medium among the varied mass communication media thanks to its special characteristics. It continues to be as relevant and potent because it was within the early years despite the emergence of more glamorous media. it's a truism that within the first phase of broadcasting spanning three decades from the first twenties, radio reigned alone or was the dominant player. However, over a period of your time, the media scene has changed drastically. Television with its inherent strength of audio-visual component has captured the imagination of the people. the arrival of television system, the web and also the convergence of technology have added further dimensions in media utilization patterns. 

However, despite the presence of a plethora of media, there's room and scope for every medium. Experience has revealed that 'new technologies add things on but they do not replace'. One medium isn't displaced by another - each medium reinvents itself within the context of changes within the communication environment. Within the changed media scenario, radio is reorienting itself with more innovative programmes and formats. This unit acts as a curtain raiser for the block which examines various issues referring to the expansion of broadcasting in India, the newest trends in broadcasting and the way radio has been used for supporting development. During this unit, we shall discuss the concept of communication, its types, functions, the characteristics and radio as a medium of mass communication. We shall discuss the role of massmedia generally and also the radio medium specifically. We shall examine the  strengths and limitations of radio and the way the role of radio in a very developing country is different from that of in developed countries. We shall also analyze the current and future role of radio in our country within the context of the technological changes happening.


The Role of Radio

The Role of the mass media is to produce the audience information, education or entertainment or all the three balanced in several proportions. The role of radio, as a medium of mass communication varies from country to country. There are radio networks which devote themselves exclusively to entertainment. 

they'recommercial enterprises which are run with profit motive serving trade interests. They carry an outsized number of advertisements together with programmes. There are radio networks operated by educational institutions, which specialize ineducational programming. 

The third category of radio broadcasts are community broadcasters. The local communities or NGOs servjng them operate radio semi-c for the advantages of the area people. the foremost important and universally recognized category of broadcasting is usually named as Public Service Broadcastingwhich uses radio for public service by providing a mix of programmes of data, education and entertainment in accordance with the communication needs of the people it serves. Alfred Smerdits,noted communicator after a survey of broadcasting in Europe, observed that the general public service media must perform the "democratic task of providing independent, 8 i free and pluralistic information and promoting cultural development." Pierre Juneau, of the planet Radio & TV Council visualized a bigger role encompassing not only information, education and entertainment,but also cultural enlightenment. it might be interesting to ! note that within the US., the necessity for a public service broadcasting was felt long after private 1 broadcasting took firm roots therein country. In the U.K., it had been public service broadcasting I which was established first and personal commercial broadcasting followed. P In communication, there are certain things which the people want and a few other things which they had. 

Radio can give birth to the convergence between the 2 through appropriate programming mix. To Lord Reith who helps the BBC to develop as a public service,broadcasting organization,information and education were its predominant components. Merlyn Rees, Privy Countillor, uk beginning the parameters of public service broadcasting observed that the general public service broadcasting must be the one which was offered to the whole population. It must be universallyattractive. In other words, it must fret with as many interests and tastes as possible.

Minorities and disadvantaged groups who are suffering discrimination,must receivespecialattention.Broadcasting must be distanced from vested interests. In developingcountries, the radio is looked upon as catalytic agent for development. TheVidyalankar Committee constituted by the Indian commission in 1963 envisaged a vigorous role for radio when it observed 

"our development task is so great and ourpopulation so large that only by the foremost efficient possible programmes of public  information can we hope to succeed in our people often enough and effectively enoughto activate on the needed scale, discussion processes and subsequent actions within  the cities, towns and villages".

 per a policy document of the government of India,

"radio should become an input within the nation building tasks and musts strengthen the arrogance of the people, promote the concept of self-reliance ande,encourageforces of unity and national harmony." 

In tune with various policyg guidelines the academic and data programmes of radio aim at preparing the people to receive and assimilate the new opportunities created for his or her advancement and well-being. They seek to strengthen the arrogance of the people, promote the concept of self-reliance, encourage forces of unity and national harmony and help within the establishment of an egalitarian society. within the preparation of software to grasp these objectives, the programme,planners constantly bear in mind of what Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru said while addressing the Constituent Assembly (Legislative) on March 15, 1948. Bearing on the approach in broadcasting programmes he was said 

"If anybody goes to sermonize, I’m not visiting hear that sermon . . . you need to make out in an entertaining way." playwright, renowned playwright warned that the 'one-way' nature of radio would condemn it to sterility.

The organization of Charcha Mandals within the early phase of farm 1 I broadcasting

facilitated participatory programming. Akashvani se, the agricultural science gatherings, the science sammelans, the People's Forum Programmes are a number of the later-day innovations to form radio a two-way communication medium instantly striving to "reach the people effectively enough to activate on the needed scale, discussions, processes and actiomu The Phone-in programme, Voice Mail Programmes, the People's Forum Programmes (which while voicing the grievances of  the people bring I the administration and therefore the audiences on a standard platform within the exercise for resolving problems) and therefore the radio-bridge programmes connecting experts and therefore the listeners situated in several places.


Radio is Demanding for communication,news, entertainment etc. Radio is good tool for mass media communication but Radio has also limitations but in small town city, Rural area people are gratitude to listen Radio rather than Television.

Saturday, May 22, 2021


Things fall apart

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe is a novel whose title bears the central massage of the work. The very title ‘Things Fall Apart’ foreshadows the tragedy which takes place at the end of the novel. The novel depicts the tragedy of an individual as well as the tragedy of a society. The protagonist of the novel Okonkwo who was rich and respectable at the beginning of the novel meets a tragic fate at the end of the novel. Achebe portrays how an ambitious, well known, and respected African Okonkwo’s life falls apart. But when he suffers, his whole tribe also suffers. At the beginning of the novel, the Ibo society was a peaceful, organic society, but at the end of the novel it falls into pieces. Thus, the novel records not only falling apart of Okonkwo’s life but also his whole society.

1) What is historical context of Things Fall Apart?

Things Fall Apart is set in the 1890s and portrays the clash between Nigeria's white colonial government and the traditional culture of the indigenous Igbo people. Achebe's novel shatters the stereotypical European portraits of native Africans.

2). What is the significant of the title?

The phrase "things fall apart" is taken from the poem, “The Second Coming” by W.B Yeats, which Achebe quotes more extensively in the epigraph. Achebe’s literary allusion to Yeats’ poem might deepen or extend—by comparison and/or contrast—the meaning(s) of Achebe’s title and his novel. The beginning four lines of the poem are referred as a preface of the novel.

“Turning and turning in the widening gyreThe falcon cannot hear the falconer;Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,”

"Things fall apart" can be said when something we believed would last forever, comes to an end. The title Things Fall Apart refers to the fact that without proper balance, things do fall apart. The notion of balance in the novel is an important theme throughout the book. Beginning with the excerpt from Yeats' poem, the concept of balance is stressed as important; for without balance, order is lost. In the novel, there is a system of balance, which the Igbo culture seems but at the end of the novel the society people can not listen the leader, so a chaotic situation is created.

3) Write a brief note on the concept of 'Chi' in Things Fall Apart?

"Chi” symbolism

Fiction is fiction but ides that are conveyed in that is far beyond one’s imagination. Chinua Achebe is the prominent novelist of Igbo culture and he tried to give “Narration of the Nation” through this novel. He deliberately used various symbols in the novel and ‘Chi’ is most significant symbol in the novel.

When fiction becomes logically established and weighed on the balance of reality, they could stand for philosophy. Etymologically, hermeneutics suggests a sacred origin, being derived from the Greek word “hermeneia” which is related to the name of the god Hermes and the verb “hermeneuein”. These words have three directions of meaning:

To express/expression, to explain/explanation and to translate/ translation. All the three shades of meaning are rendered in English by to interpret/interpretation which in general, means “bring to understanding.”

existentialism and concept of ‘chi’:

this universe is very large. we are tiny part of this universe. and it does not get affected by our actions and deeds. it doesn't care for us. universe will remain as it is weather we do anything for it or not. there is different between what we expect from it and what we find in it

either people believe in god or they find life as meaningless. once we find it meaningless then we start thinking that does it mean that 'life is not worth living?'. so some people may committed suicide but we can give our own unique meaning to life rather than committing suicide. 

4. What do you think about the incident of Ikemefuna? How does it help to understand the Ibo culture in more specific ways?

Ikemefuna's death has a devastating affect on Okonkwo and Nwoye's emotions in Things Fall Apart. Okonkwo was Ikemefuna's guardian, and the two had a strong relationship, but Okonkwo killed Ikemefuna after the Oracle demanded him as a sacrifice and therefore feels incredible guilt.

5. Write a brief note on Ibo people's belief in the world of spirits.

An Eco-Feminist Reading of Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall by Tamsa Pandya on Scribd


6) How is the difference between the father land and the mother land is described in Things Fall Apart?

In Igboland, geography takes on gendered aspects depending on where a person’s parents were born. For instance, Umuofia is Okonkwo’s father’s home village, which makes it Okonkwo’s fatherland. When Okonkwo gets exiled for the crime of manslaughter, he and his family travel to another of the nine villages, Mbanta, which is Okonkwo’s motherland—that is, the village where his mother was born. The gendering of geography plays an important symbolic role in the novel, since Okonkwo sees his seven-year exile in the motherland as an emasculating threat to his reputation.

7) Point out the important points of Things Fall Apart which can be compared with Kanthapura by Raja Rao.

In Things Fall Apart, Okonkwo is exiled from his native 

village of Umofia but ultimately he finds his way back to his 

village after seven long years, only to end his life to escape 

from the consequence of killing a white man. Okonkwo 

functions as an archetype as well as a mythic hero for Achebe 

to bring out colonial experience. Okonkwo’s downfall is the 

symbol of the destruction of the indigenous tradition and 

culture by the onslaught of the colonial forces. 

In Kanthapura, Raja Rao has depicted Moorthy as someone 

who is regarded as the young Gandhi by his fellow villagers.

The Reverend James Smith also acts as a villain in Things Fall Apart. He has far lesser respect and love for the indigenous natives than anyone else. He looks down upon the natives as 

savages in need of civilization

In Kanthapura, the villain archetype is represented by the colonial British. The protagonist, Moorthy and his followers’ revolt is the archetypal journey that India, as a nation has toundergo. Moorthy’s struggle suffers a tragic end but nevertheless it also gives birth to a new vigor and dreams about an independent India.

Thus, in the two novels under discussion, Things Fall Apart

and Kanthapura, Achebe and Raja Rao have fused myth with literature and the archetypes that they have been drawn from their respective cultures and traditions. Both the authors havedeployed different archetypes to evolve and work out fresh connections and interpretations.

Here I'm sharing my another work in form of academic presentation which I like to embed here , along with its YouTube video. 

In this particular presentation I have included the ethnographic reading of the things fall apart. 

Here we go with the presentation after this video..

The pitfalls of Ethnographic readings of things fall apart by Tamsa Pandya on Scribd