Archetypes of literature
Hello readers this is my new blog on study of archetypes by northrop Frey. As we all know that archetypes provides new point of you to understand a particular situation character. It expand our critical thinking as well as try to explain the glimpse of any particular culture by using related symbolic images.
Here I'm going to deal with some very interesting questions, click here to read this study material including this task organize by the Head of English department Dr.Dilip Barad.
What is archetypal criticism? what does the archetypal critic do?
Dictionary meaning of archetypes is typical idea
The word archetype is from the Greek word Arkhethpon the meaning of being the initial version of something letter multiplied. Archetype study is a study of various images character of tradition in a different culture and different periods of time it also studied the indentishiable dreams culture social behaviours, Death and re-birth in a wide variety of work in literature,
through images or symbols it representing symbolic idea of literature. It can refer constantly e requiring symbol on motive literature by painting on mythology a kind of literary Anthropology by Frye.
through images or symbols it representing symbolic idea of literature. It can refer constantly e requiring symbol on motive literature by painting on mythology a kind of literary Anthropology by Frye.
Click here to get an idea about this pictures
architects work original models after which the similar thing are related with the
situation (the quest)
Click here to see details
situation (the quest)
Click here to see details
In this way we can see that architects the type of symbolic study which can we want strong associations to the readers observe. It emerges curiosity e and expanse critical thinking towards to identify any culture situation or character with using different image aur painting or any literary device in literature.
This blind statue has a very symbolic meaning click here to get an idea of this archetypal image, in this way how archetypes emerge a curiosity to know about it.
What Archetypal critic do?
When critic used to archetypal criticism there's a common root with psychological criticism in that he deals with recesses of human mind. Critic relates to a collective aspect of human psyche. It gives a common shape of Mythic unifying ethos in differentiated cultures.
aware about the most religious rites rituals and notions of particular culture then make and a symbol by equally clear identification of phyches.
aware about the most religious rites rituals and notions of particular culture then make and a symbol by equally clear identification of phyches.
We can say that it is a game of free play of mind in which critic presented individual psyche endemic reader aware to think critically and observe consciously.
What is physics to nature criticism of literature.
Northrop Frye compares “Physics to Nature” and “Criticism to Literature”. Physics is a systematic study of nature, but a student of Physics will say that he/she is learning Physics not nature. Similarly, Criticism is a systematic study of literature. We cannot learn literature but criticism of literature can be learnt.
Inductive method
Inductive method –
Northrop Frye gives example of Gravedigger’s scene from “Hamlet” to explain this method. To study this scene we need to go step by step backwards to study this method:
Hamlet represents Archetypal hero who is ready to die for his love.
This method moves from “Particular to General”.
Inductive method was largely used by writer. Including the journey from specific to general. which we can see in grave digging scene, that how In the grave digging scene, that how Hamlet was specified. We look at formal conclusion of this scene, that grave digger scene is centrifugal which moves us away from center. Protagonist Hamlet talks alot with diggers. So that the grave digger is significance of general, so they are not worried about death body. In this particular scene we can say in conclusion that every person or a living things have to at a once.
Deductive method with reference to n analogy 2 music painting rhyme pattern.
a method of reasoning by which (1) concrete applications or consequences are deducted from general principles or (2) theorems are deduced from definitions and postulates
— compare deduction 1b;Deductive method – Rule to Example
Music has rhythm and Painting have pattern. We might not understand music at once and we might understand painting at first look. Literature is a bridge between music and painting. Words in literature bring the rhythm of music and pictorial image all together. This method moves from “General to Particular”. For example, There is support of music and art to literature, so some are keeps and moving with time like as, music and some art present in static way like as Drawing. Both the art form working simultaneously for creating literature let us see why art is important for cultivation.
Mention the relation between history and philosophy.
History firmly deals with the events of past and the actions, while Philosophy deals with idea and logic, evidence and wisdom. mingling of history and philosophy Usingthe writer can produce a literature and this literature responded to History and Philosophy both.
Click here to see the post
let us know when two similar mythic story of History and how philosophy played role in that particular manner as plato and Aristotle's quest about the character of "Hero" , it seems like a Hero should have tremendous power, including philosophical qualities like Hmartia, catharsis, error in judgement. philosophy fulfill the idea of "The fall of Hero"
when we talked specifically the super power of hero as being of human it seems like lack of philosophical approach..for example...this two mythical character...
Yamata no OrochiKrishna
click here to get idea of this myth
click here to get an idea of this myth.
The last portion of my blog is to apply this archetypal criticism on particular literature either Gujarati,Hindi or English. I try to apply this one on one of very famous Gujrati poem.
ડુંગર કેરી ખીણમાં ગાંભુ નામે ગામ,
ખેતી કરતો ખંતથી પટેલ પાંચો નામ.
સીમ થકી છેટી હતી વાડી એક વિશાળ,
ભોંય બધી ભગરી ને રૂડી અધિક રસાળ.
નવાણ છે નવ કોસનું ફરતાં જંગી ઝાડ,
ચોપી તેમાં શેલડી વાધ્યો રૂડો વાઢ.
પટલાણીએ પુત્રનું મુખ દીઠું છે માંડ,
મીઠી ઉંમર આઠની બહેન લડાવે લાડ.
શિયાળો પૂરો થતાં પાક્યો પૂરો વાઢ,
વાઘ શિયાળ વરુ તણી રહેતી વગડે રાડ.
કેળ સમી સૌ શેલડી ઝૂકી રહી છે ઝુંડ,
રસ મીઠાની લાલચે ભાંગે વાડો ભૂંડ.
ચિચોડો બેસાડવા પાંચે કરી વિચાર,
બાવળનાં નથ બૂતડી તુરત કરી તૈયાર.
સોંપ્યુ સાથી સર્વને બાકી બીજું કામ,
સાધન સૌ ભેળું થવા તવા તાવડા ઠામ.
પટલાણી પેંખી રહી પટેલ કેરી વાટ,
રોંઢા વેળા ગઇ વહી પડતું ટાઢું ભાત.
કહે મા, ‘મીઠી! લે હવે ભાત આપું,
કીકો લાવ મારી કને, જા તું બાપુ;
હજી ઘેર આતા નથી તુજ આવ્યા;
ભૂખ્યા એ હશે વાઢ કામે થાક્યા’.
‘ભલે લાવ બા, જાઉં હું ભાત દેવા,
દીઠા છે કદી તેં ઊગ્યા મોલ કેવા?
મીઠી કેળશી શેલડી તો ખવાશે,
દીઠી છે ટૂંકી વાટ જલદી જવાશે’.
વહી જાય છે વેગમાં ફાવી ભરતી ફાળ,
ગણે ન કાંટાકાંકરા દોડે જ્યમ મૃગબાળ.
ડુંગર ઝાડી ગીચમાં કોડે કૂદતી જાય,
સામો વાઢ ઝઝૂમતો જોતાં તે હરખાય.
હમણાં વાડી આવશે, હમણાં આપું ભાત,
એમ અધિક ઉતાવળી દોડી મળવા તાત.
બખોલમાંથી બહાર ત્યાં વાઘ ધસ્યો વિકરાળ,
થપાટ પાછળથી પડી બાળા થઈ બેહાલ.
ભાત ઓઢણી તો રહ્યું ઝરડામાં જકડાઈ,
મીઠી બાળા મોતનાં પંજામાં સપડાઈ.
વાઘ ઉપાડી ક્યાં ગયો? કુદરતમાં કકળાટ!
વૃક્ષ ઊભાં વીલા બધાં! સૂની બની સૌ વાટ!
સાંઝ વહી સૂનકારમાં ઓઢીને અન્ધાર :
રાત પડે છે રાનમાં આંસુડે ચોધાર.
પહોંચી ઘર પાંચો કરે ‘મીઠી!’ ‘મીઠી!’ સાદ;
‘મારે તો મોડું થયું રોંઢો ન રહ્યો યાદ.’
પટલાણી આવી કહે, ‘મેલી છે મેં ભાત,
મળી નથી તમને હજી? રોકાણી ક્યાં રાત?’
‘મળી નથી મીઠી મને મારગ ધોરી વાટ,
કહાં ગોત કરવી હવે? ગઈ હશે પગવાટ.’
બની ગયાં એ બાવરાં બન્ને મા ને બાપ,
ગયાં તુર્ત તે ગોતવા કરતાં કંઈ સન્તાપ.
નભથી ચાંદો નીરખી વિલાય ફિક્કે મુખ,
ઝાંખાં સર્વે ઝાડવાં દારુણ જાગે દુ:ખ.
‘મીઠી! મીઠી!’ પાડતાં બૂમ ઘણી માબાપ,
જવાબ પાછો ના મળે તેથી કરે વિલાપ.
પળતાં આગળ પગ મહીં અટવાયું કંઈ ઠામ;
તે તો ઘરની તાંસળી, ભાત તણું નહિ નામ.
ખાલી આ કોણે કરી – હશે સીમામાં શ્વાન;
મીઠી કાં મેલી ગઈ? – બોલે નહિ કંઈ રાન.
વળી પગે અટવાય છે ઝરડું, નીચે જોય;
મીઠી કેરી ઓઢણી – પોકે પોકે રોય.
હા મીઠી, તું ક્યાં ગઈ? આ શું? – ઝમે રુધિર !
ઉત્તર એનો ના મળે : બધુંય વિશ્વ બધિર.
નીરાશ પાછાં એ વળ્યાં કરતાં અતિ કકળાટ;
‘મીઠી મીઠી’ નામથી રડતાં આખી વાટ.
વાઢ ગયો વેચાઈ ને વીતી ગઈ છે વાત,
તોપણ દેખા દે કદી મીઠી માથે ભાત.
~ વિઠ્ઠલરાય યજ્ઞેશ્વર અવસત્થી
Here, the poet used so many archetypes released with nature, seasons, dreams, Death and particular on the situation and character. In this poem "ભાત" is leading archetype. Protagonist mithi going to meet his father with the bhat by choosing shortcut way t(pass through jungal) Rich her farm, at that time a huge Tiger came out from his cave and use to kill mithi. So this can be considered as a very useful use of such archetypes of death, season and nature as well ...
Thank you 😊
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