Sunday, January 5, 2020

Literature and religion: Sunday reading

Hello readers this is my new blog for sharing my views about the literature and religion. In this particular blog I have to read one article which is attached here and than reflect my perspective towards religion and literature....this blog is organize by our Prof. Dilip Barad Sir so we can expand our critical collaboration  including current example.

Whenever we talk about literature on Ishtar, it becomes a war.  We are all ignorant of the existence of God and the Creator of mankind.  It is useless to argue over something we are now unfamiliar with.

This is what we learn and we are taught in the school to believe are unbelievable when people are introduced to the theory of intelligent designer two person vu is greater behind everything then they will say that there is a need for a God. We need God to bless us, need to God for save us, to make us, to inspire and fortunately we are following....

After reading this article what I feel is.... really we need God?

Before reaching this question mind starting blinking something New quest about the existence of god...who created the beautiful well organized world? Who created us as with very intelligent mind? 

Obviously you might getting very historic idea of this particular quotation that "God created man" ...but you  know now things are thoughts are changing day by day let's see one thing....

Is it acceptable?...if I'm not going wrong...we said extremely... strongly..."NO".... let's start something reforming in our thoughts...

To be atheist is like you did something against of religion....let me ask you one thing is that....what is our religion? religion played a vital part in our life? .... what's the need to strongly or compulsory belongs From any particular religion?....if someone ask me about answer is very simple...which once I read...

Religion is important and it is with very holistic message of peace, love and equality, but what happen when it's totally converted in revert situation. People often started fight for religion and for particular God. Fight happen when people started taking and considering very personal, feeling like insult and it resulting so many riots and this sometimes religion making harm to humans....

So we think that sometimes being atheist is bliss, because....when you andover the complete wisdom and wiseness in yourself with the true touch of start thinking very rethoric way...

A large number of people against with this idea of being be Atheist it means he/she not following any religion. They Believe in equality and is not an against with the idea of God...mind well..they might thought that religion makes people like....

Referring with 21st century The idea of God is something related with secularism...with the help of critical thinking skills...I thought that if God created the world if God is always available for help and proove it well..than where is God today...we still need a savior.... because as historical data says God has very tremendous and superpower as being savior...

See here, now we feel very quest about the gods existence. If God was really here with us and here to help us than why God was not there to help priyka why only Draupadi? How much injustice or discrimination.... Krishna has to help all, because all women are same....

If God help પાંડવ in લાક્ષાગૃહ for saving their life than why once again this discrimination and injustice with the child of Surat. (Surat fire calamity in taxshila institute) so how we can believe that God is everywhere and always helping us...

As per my view to believe is not wrong but blind believe is something very dangerous for all , we are learned people, our prime duty is to stand for right and truth without favouring any caste religion region for God believe in equality freedom wisdom and space for everyone. SBI Bank intellectual we have to to rebel against those thing which taught us that you don't know...

When we see the everything in literate all literature perspective we may find worth reading blog I must share here ...

Taylor argues that our secular age is not one in which religion has gone away but is, rather, an era characterised by the new position in which religion now finds itself.

Click here enjoy full blog..(Religion and literature) one more example is 

Religion and Literature

Here are several ways of relating religion and literature. There is not a lot of stuff out there on the subject, and what there is tends to be mushily thematic. I've only seen one textbook on religion and literature, and it is pretty lightweight. My own preference in developing my Religion and Modern Literature class some years ago was to patch together materials from many odd sources. Our University copy center makes a bundle off my students.

I. The debate over the relationship of religion and literature has yielded three readily discernible theoretical approaches:
Heteronomy: ("the law is outside") This is the position of T.S. Eliot in "Literature and Religion" (Essays Ancient and Modern, 1936). He argues that since Christian faith is superior to literature, the norm for judging the greatness and truth of literature can only be found outside literature, namely, in theology. The determination of the question "What is literature?" can be based on literary norms alone. But in the evaluation of the greatness of literature (its adequacy, the truth it embodies, etc.) faith must intervene. All
notions of what is best and most true in the world depend upon what you think is most real. Religion evaluates the real; it puts us in touch with and mediates the real. Literature always involves some suspension of reality, a "what-if" or "once-upon-a-time" method. Tolstoy was a strong heteronomist after his conversion.
Theonomy: ("the law is God") This position is developed by Protestant theologian Paul Tillich in The Protestant Era (1948). Neither religion nor literature is an absolute and neither can finally sit in judgement upon the other. God above is the law, the root of religion's purpose and literature's meaning. Like literature, religion is also, at least in part, a human creation. This approach to the relationship of literature and religion tends to see most literature, even all literature, as "religious" as it deals with the deeper concerns of us humans. Tillich believes that even the most destructive urges mirrored in literature can be best understood as expressions of our deep need to locate the ground of our being.
Autonomy: ("the law is within") Developed in RWB Lewis' "Hold on Hard to the Huckleberry Bushes" in Trials of the Word: Essays in American Literature and the Humanistic Tradition (1956). The norms for judging the achievement of a discipline must come from within the discipline. Therefore, literature cannot be subjected to any alien norm, be it God or religion. Great literature might have religious elements, or it might not. There is no necessary relationship between literature and religion.

Click here to full text...
See the very argument about the superiority of God and how how how TS Eliot says that apart from religion literature has a kind of superstitions this is how a very unacceptable thing for us.
Click here to see a very Anti_God article related with Human equality,Freedom, identity, capabilities of human, humanitarian qualities etc. 

"We started talking about God. We started talking about how, as we saw it, people used God like a spare tire"
-Tom kuegler

Click here to

See this amazing video about #Quest of existence of the God or #Should I believe or not?

The very story of life of PI unfolds with the very trendy idea about to believe or not (in God)  see the attached video and get a very good idea about my blog. 

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