Thursday, April 29, 2021

Topic:-John Keats and the study of Odes


Tamsa pandya

Paper: Romantic Literature

Topic:-John Keats and the study of Odes


Roll number:28

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Submitted: department of English


Odes by John keats

About the ode: 

John keats Was the  pioneer of the writing odes. For John keats poetry is like a very Noble feeling set expressing emotions. 

John keats: ode

Poetry: is sensual imaginary

: Adore of nature

: Poetry for sake of poetry 

According to John keats the main team of poetry and ode is 










John keats

"His poetry revolves around idealism and romanticism bringing to the fore all his desires, experiences, thoughts  and ideas"

When talking about John keats , he's so most passionate nature lover poet. His all poetries are very realistic and alluring. Flamboyant to use of colors and beauty of nature gives a very different image and frames of keats poetry. John keats considered as the most remarkable poet of fancy and frenzy elements of literature and poetry.

we can see the most of Keats poetry  full of paradox, so let's see what is paradox, 

"The ultimate in extrinsically of pleasure from pain, Joy from sorrow, happiness from melancholy, life from that is essential to Keats poetry"

This definition of paradox becomes a Hallmark of practical education.

What is ode 

"An ode is a poem of a noble feeling, and expiration of dignity to someone something loved, it may be regular or regular on it's worse from depending upon the emotional needs of its subjects"

Let's see keats ode in detail.

Ode to Grecian urn,

Ode to Grecian urn is dealing with medical and legendary teams of ancient medieval and Renaissance times, Adidas symbol of timeless nice and aesthetic beauty, imperviousness to human strife.

What is the urn?

Urn is a vase that usually has a narrow neck above footed pedestal classic terms, an urn is a large decorate to go over container of over wood  metal.

Ode on a grecian URN expresses poets love of romance deep delight of nature. 

"Beauty is truth and truth is beauty"

This poem refers a very famous Greek mythology which is in poet's mind which we can see in a very poetic language ode on a grecian URN is a kind of concrete imaginary and colourful elements of charm and deep human interest in love. It is written in 1819. And published in January 1820. 

Odd the poem expressing the writer's thoughts and feelings about a particular person or subject which we can see in the poem first stanza which is the silent response of the great age. Concept of urn is a very concrete things, which player has not speak anything but the earth can speak. The poet started thinking about the scriptures and imagination catches fire site of a piece of ancient times.

The poem refers a very speechless condition of a poet and he derived from the line " unravish'd bride of quietness" to promote this line poets use the symbol of on urn . And then also I think that urn it is a very static emotion or I thinkg to judge any relation. one more line related with The foster child of silence and slow time it's not an actual child but it is a more metaphor to kept a preserved emotion in the poem. 

In the second stanza poets silence is widely highlighted why kids using paradox in lines Express products with very simplicity which makes poetry more strinking. Kis line is not only a musical drum also with musical structure as well. 

Heard melodies are sweet but those unheard are sweeter therefore ye, soft pipes play on" 

Kids find that silence an on hold music in the flute player player of the URN. He talks about the flute players music  which can be heard , so in the second stanza silence symbolises the timeless and unmoving musing and passion so now comparing the first stanza the music of earn is something which is a sound less itself.

The third stanza direct emotions of Keats, here we can find that poet is extremely unhappy about his love affair so the pursuit of his own happiness is is that now beauty is dead with with his dad expectations. 

the central idea of the stanza is that to express the difference between life and the reality. 

so the fourth stanza we can see the advantage of earth over nature as well as advantage aur poetry art is elevated calmness. It's free from the system it's so I have no words I have no friends. The whole poetry possesses the power of flamboyant imagination is a more sweet and glorious then reality can ever possesse.The on states that there is no close relationship but in actual identity between beauty and truth.

Ode to a Nightingale by John keats

So basically ode to Nightingale is ideal versus reality love of senses beauty touch of pessimism and purely begin conception of nature and strong individualism. 

in this particular poem we can see the powerful negative capability and the power of aid . Nightingalel is a transcendence of mortal pain and crif version of reality happiness morality in natural world. 

So we can say that Nightingale is not merely a bird but something more symbolised choice nature pain or grief.

Ode to Nightingale considered one of the finest odes in English literature. Nightingale is small brown European Bird known specially for his beautiful voice it can be usually heard during the night. The poem reverse-biased imaginative power of poet Nightingale's song inspired poet who wrote poetry on it. This sweet voice of Nightingale girl create ecstasy in the mind of poet. One morning when poets sitting on the chair for breakfast he had a melodious song of bird and he suddenly thought that the bird lives in a place of beauty. Feels sweetness history becomes excessive, birds voice is capable tu change poets mood into kind of pleasant pain field desire to escape from the world and cash to the beautiful place of the bird. 

Formally the poem presents the picture of tragedy in human life. It brings out the expression pessimism in poet this particular poem when poets heart is in full of sorrow because his youngest brother Tom had died. 

This poem is written in 1819. in the first stanza presents  towards painless loss of consciousness throughout joy

. At that time the song of bird wear acting as a friendly position or an acidic drugs for poet for escaping from pain. 

in the second stanza the poet frames for a glass of some sparkling wine she wanted a wine to be perfume and one that can revoke love happiness and fulfillment. he want a glass of wine because after drinking the wind he can able to escape The painful world and hide himself somewhere the place of duty with the beautiful bird. 

In the third stanza the poet confesses that the world is full of sorrow where youth suffers and dies prematurelly and perpetually. 

in the fourth stanza the poet rejects idea of seeking inspiration by drinking wine , I like to prefer his own heaven which is the poetic imagination he prefers to live in the world of dreams with imagination with the company of bird.  

In the first stanza give account rusting image represent that there is no light and complete darkness when the poet was sitting with the bird. idealized image of his own native place where he could smell The perfume of flower floating in air rose and imagine which is full of darkness. 

In the sixth stanza after listening the song of Nightingale, it is to be liberation from his world he would be happy if he died at that very moment while listening the song of the birds. 

In the 7th stanza the whole narration of the poem suggest that the idea of immorality of Nightingale's song . 

the poem Express food slow for women’s and deep sense of delight the poet contains concrete images and comparing human emotions with that.

Ode to psyche 

This poetry is written in 1819 by John Keats. This poem unfolds with Greek mythical legendary character named psyche. 

The legendary character psyche. 

Psyche who is the king's daughter in Greece. She invited the jealousy of Aphrodite and Venus respectively because of her beauty. Psyche is one of the most beautiful goddesses of the heaven. Her beauty provoking jealousy in Venus the god of love and beauty. Accordingly following this jealousy towards psyche , she decided to make behave shamefully ridiculous manner. So so she is trusted person cupid the young God of love visa presented with arrows of love with hole in the hearts of his victims) and make a plan that keep it should and over huge monsters personification and become successful to terrify psyche. However the Cupid show the young and lovely psyche, he himself fell in love with her and become devoted lover. Cupid carried cycle beautiful veil visited her Every night in darkness when cupid was sleeping at length curiosity provoked in psyche's mind she took a  light lamp and recognize the beauty of God of love cupid , at the same time a drop of hot oil Fall on cupid's shoulder and then God a awoke in anger and flade. After many wandering she fell into Aphrodite’s power and was kept as her slave series of impossible task was set on her but thank to the ID of bird and answer formed them all finally she was given by Aphrodite returns to Cupid and become immortal. 

Show the central idea of the poem is Keats  address sing psyche the goddesses  a powder for exposing her secrets.  So Keats thought that “pardon they the secrets should be singed"  this pardon song should be sung. Keats wants to assign a Temple through she's a printer than many others cottages in Greek mythology wants a proper worshipper of goddesses psyche for her intense passionate love and beauty. 

Here poets vision can see the brightness and lightness of goddesses psyche from the darkness of myth. Poet thought that should be worshipped. 

John personified the deepest grass and roof of leaves with psyche and cupids gentle breaking. Kis breathings are come because it is a divine break opposed to human beings they had sexual satisfaction, and now there sleeping after excitement physical love and after the satisfaction cool down The breath gentle. 

the poet addresses the goddesses as the latest born the poet says that she is then Venus and moon star that she shines in  blue sky  in evening. 

Keats thought that no Temple heaped which flower is there for her. In the concluding part of the poem kids gets his second while the moment introduced empathetically. Here keats comes to see how he can worship psyche.  

Ode to psyche Keats takes psyche to be both to be a human maiden and the worshipped goddess of the soul.

Works Cited

Keats, John. Poetryfoundation. n.d. 7 March 2020. <>.

 Poetryfoundation. n.d. 7 March 2020. <>.

Vocabulary. n.d. 7 March 2020. <>.

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