Friday, April 30, 2021

Four language skills Introduction

 Table of Contents

Introduction    2

listening skill    3

Speaking skill    4

Reading skill    5

Writing skill    5

Works Cited    6

Four language skills


As we know that language is inevitable part of human life we, the humans are different from other animals on the earth just because we have more developed mind and we have a certain polish to language, of course every animal has its own language but the humans are able to transfer the various messages with the use of language and gestures, so in my assignment I will gone through the very basic four language skills which helps teachers as well as students to get more commands on a language in learning on language teaching too.

So whenever we are learning over busy or native language our first call is to listen then we try to speak then we try to read and finally we write,  therefore, listening speaking reading and writing are considered as the four language skills which we need to develop for complete our perfect communication. 

*Listening and reading are receptive: i.e with exposure you must have to authentic language in use, 

*speaking and writing are productive: i.e with the action of producing language as a part of the process of second language learning. 

To achieve this greater 4 basic language skills women's need to surround ourselves with English 

language so far we need to make English part of our life and at home at work during your free time 

also, that is the best way to learn and to practice English language. Here I am sharing some very important tips with you read and find the tips which will help you to overcome the difficulties which you might be experiencing so afterwards you can improve your English speaking skills along with learning. 

Indeed, practice makes perfect which means that if we want to improve a certain s in a certain perfect way, we must do practice at each and every time of our breeding day. As a beginner learner we will need to achieve all four language skills.





So let's go to in detail and let's improve our language learning and teaching skills, 

 listening skill

 listening of words music anything is very important part of learning of any language and understanding of anything, effective listening ensure understanding and definitely it will help you improve accuracy when we are speaking. Among others thing, while we are destroying anything with a purpose of learning one must follow some kind of rule by listening such as one must listen it very carefully with full of concentration and with motions of acceptance, 

How can you improve your listening skill? 

By listening everything actually for example paying attention is not only on what is said but also how it is said, so now listen , 

To music: our first task is going to be e the listen music old or modern whatever you made of, whatever type you prefer, but pay attention to the lyrics ( because sometimes what happened that you reading the lyrics main helps understanding the song) 

To movie, TV shows, radio, news and entertainment equipments: for this tried to listen class six or if you can watch TVD or movie serial watching with subtitles and then when you feel comfortable without them it means you can hear English radio at home or on your mobile phone, ultimately even if we are not actually listening to eat but your ears will be getting used to the sound of the language. 

Speaking skill

The second and often more hardest part in four language skills but as soon as you can speak and read or listen everything with accuracy you can speak a little English there are lots of ways to improve quickly and have tons of fun. 

Join voice chats: nowadays technology is running so fast as overthinking runs so it is time to take advantage of IIT in lot in terms of social networks so wherever you are live in you will find a chat room , must visit and try to join it this will help you to improve your virtual communication and also improve your report developement skills. 

Talk and record yourself: of course the best way to examine ourselves is to face ourselves , this is the best way to improve your language with self learning for that this may sound funny but this is very 

helpful and important to realise how you can improve by repeating and recording your voice several times until you feel happy with results, so firstly what we should do is that record our voice which should be the oral one, with the help of any recorder or your mobile phone and then listen it with carefully. If you find any kind of disturbing language patterns then record it again continuously practice of this recording and listening will improve your language skill along with your listening skill too. 

Talk to your classmates in English when you are not in class: this is perhaps the better practice ever for improve the speaking skill also improve your level of confidence while you are talking with the English language with your friends or classmates. More your friends are not more judgemental so you can freely and confidently speak with them and this kind of initial liberation in your language speaking gives you the better confidence for the future. 

food that you can also make a group and play a games of words and spellings and just make a chat together.

3) try to attend plays, exhibition, debates in English: effective listeners are them who always ready to grab the opportunity to make their communication and learning more strong attending such kinds of gatherings where you can get the language outcomes and then practice it.

Reading skill

Reading is  process of tighting of your brain and it takes time to develop, reading is not as much easy as the other skills like listening and speaking because your mind has to attach the meaning with the situation and with the action along with the words expression and represent it it with symbols. Also you need to get the understanding of the grammar and structure of the language which is used in the passage to read. 

This with this process is very time consuming because you have to train your mind to  work  simultaneously on the various parts of the skills and train your brain to work simultaneously on memorizing the things, identify the symbols, use the proper grammar and language structure in this way with  more practice slowly and steadily you can develop your reading skill very strongly but of course practice is must. 

Read books in English and articles on the web: I think direct reading of books is maybe something different somehow but you can start with comics books , but I think books which you had already read in your mother tongue or which has been turned into movies also so try to start with some kind of easy 

books even with children books is okay. sofa images will help you to understand even if you don't know all the words and if you're reading the bookthe main core of any language for any book. 

Switch the operating system of your mobile phone, your computer or tablet into English language: 

See this reading and listening are associated with our day to day or regular routine life so try to make it as a part of your daily life so sweet your operating system of your mobile and your computer or tablet in English language so in this way you can associating the function with the certain words which will help to improve your vocabulary, as we are always connected with our friends which chats we are playing games watching movie e with using for computer tablet or mobile phone switching this language into the English language will makes a certain practice of reading the language.

Writing skill

The last and more hardest, not so hard but even through it may be the intermediate into a lot of people is more possible because anyone can get used to writing with a little discipline and with a willingness 

to learn. Of course writing skill takes a time because one must need to calculate the grammar, the sentence pattern, the language structure and all. But slowly and steadily with the practice of writing we will be the better writer of any particular answer of question or any other art of work, for making 

It all valuable the following things is very important, 

Write down words or expressions: see, very very you are whatever you are doing just write up something about it just memorizing anything and on the spot put down your thoughts and current my mental situation with the use of words in the diary or book. This is a very useful think to preserved  anything. After that you can get to know with them meaning, and written things are always good for better remember the things, for that we must keep one diary with us always aur if you using mobile phone then must habit you at yourself to write anything in a sentence in your notes, this will help you to improve your writing skill as well as this will preserved as a memory. 

Write comments: menu of us are writing a blog or writing anything on any other social media platform is helps us to improve our critical thinking and critical writing, because make comments on other is not an easy task to do it requires a proper understanding of language structure grammar symbols and but interpretation of another's work making comment is helps you to improve writing skills.

Works Cited

Mary, Milne. 30 June 2017. WSE Hong Kong. 25 November 2020. <>.

Physicscatalyst. 16 November 2019. 25 November 2020. <>.

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