Sunday, September 6, 2020

Teacher's day





Nowadays in the age of technology do excuse is not at all fair within the energetic students of English, they believes in #Show_Must_Go_On . With the very thoughtfully and energetic way of presenting oneself in to  the pandemic of corona through  Virtual Teacher's Day celebrations  on online platform, have been organized by the students of English department . 

So don't miss to watch it on our Facebook page (Department of English) .

This is a promotional video of our today's upcoming event. I would like to congratulate all the contributes of English Department students as well as Respected Head of the English department prof. Dilip Barad for continue support and guidance. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

Don't miss our teachers day event. 

Promotional video




"From photography to how to catch fish lessons, professionals are creating content online to sail through this challenging time"

This Teacher's Day brought more new things for us than ever before.  We had to become an students of internet before becoming a teacher of teacher's day.😄

#YouTube works as a assistant for us,every question and trouble was solved through YouTube.  #Shooting_a_beautiful_video_with_smiling face in the midst of the Corona epidemic, #spreading_it_on_different_platforms of social media to make it as public as possible.  #Video_shooting, #uploading, editing, #power_point_presentation, all these things were prepared and handed over to our honorable Head of the English department prof, Dilip Barad sir, but the matter did not end here.

As well as creating an #online_quiz, #generating_certificate_online, based on the response of the quiz, by mail to ensure that everyone who has successfully participated in this quiz and obtained a score also received a certificate and score through mail.

It was necessary to work carefully at each step and to solve the problem related to it, to have a #backup_plan ready, otherwise sometimes the internet is processed with a single click by mistake and redoing everything.

#Page_breaks, #reloads, #low_internet_speeds sometimes caused problems.

All this was a process, which is very useful and I believe every student or teacher must learn.

But the students of the English department celebrated Virtual Teacher's Day and come over with all these things successfully.😁  More than #15_students enthusiastically participated in the Teacher's Day on this online platform and got ready to watch the  pre-recorded  videos from  #live_streaming_on_facebook_page #youtube etc.  As well as quizzes, he was also involved in generating certificates.  This was very informatics useful for me and very useful in the future. It was Teacher's Day.  We had the opportunity to work with many new #support_units, learn new things from them and spend time with them so that we can successfully carry out this virtual Teacher's Day program.

For this whole process and successful attempt on each and every steps towards digital learning I like to thanks a lot our HOD #Dilip_Barad sir for continuous help, continuous guidance, continuous support, varification of things and all the supportive environment which you provide to us sir . Once again thank you and also thankful to my dear classmates who always come up with innovative ideas and enthusiastically join , support in this teacher's day. 

 Join us more, learn more, think more 😄

So here it is my full video of teachers day,  I prepared a teacher's day video on "The scarlet letter"  written by  Hathenial Howthon. In this particular video I would like to bring some very interesting topic towards psychological study of a character and some conflict in the tragedy of "The scarlet letter"

I hope you like it, so don't forget to to comment like and subscribe the channel, this will fruitful and useful for for the future. Here I am sharing my PowerPoint presentation  based on this lecture or video just before it so you will be able to perform in the quiz well.

after referring  in the PowerPoint  presentation you will be able to attempt on the online quiz prepared on the basis of the online video of The scarlet letter and PPT. 


Tap here for apply in quiz

Current responses: 21

Thank you for came across through the whole sequences and thank you for active participation in my quiz as well as for watching my YouTube video and my PowerPoint presentation.

current face book views: 280

current you-tube views: 435 

If you are facing any problem to connect with online YouTube video, SlideShare PowerPoint presentation, aur online please just contact me through my email ID, I am sure I will be there to solve your problem and any queries thank you.

After the successful attempt in the quiz you will get the beautiful certificate as well as score. Here is a module of certificate,




Making of YouTube video for virtual teacher's day.  It was quite good experience of being a virtual teacher on online platform. Making of YouTube video, being editor, uploader is truly required a tremendous work. 

Here I'm sharing my experience through this beautiful video(behind the scenes)  made by Uddhav Pandya . I'm very thankful to my brother Uddhav for this incredible work.😍

Here is the link of my Main video on teachers day. 


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