Sunday, July 21, 2019

Art and politics

  "I don't think artists can avoid being political, artists are the proverbial canaries in the coal mine. when we stop singing, it's a sure sign of repressive times ahead."
                              -Theresa Bayer

   When art comments on social issues, it is political.  Personally I believe that art it an attempt to communicate thoughts and feelings that are beyond the reach of natural language. When we talk about politics ,I want to share this lines truly related with this thing by डो. भरतकुमर ओझा
  Briefly , politics is a social relations involving intrigue and to gain authority or power .(wordnet)
   " The world of politics is always twenty year behind the world of thoughts "
                    -John Jay Champman

   Art has been used, abused and banned by historical leaders of every age . It means every artistic work or every artist only reflecting and engaging with political matters ?
     Art is about being human and human beings are about much more than politics or pleasure . Art for pleasure and expression of the artist's inner world or a reflection on the outer world .For instance one book named " Understanding Islam through Hadis" that book faced the wrath of the Muslim community ,this one by "Ram Swarup" he tackled the issues of POLITICAL ISLAM, 

     Second one , The book named " Jinnah" by Jaswant Singh. It was banned because for portraying Jinnah in an objective manner rather than as a demonised nation breaker . It's a political criticism on policies of Nehru and Sardar Patel.

The most controversial book named " "LAZZA" by 
"Taslima nasrin"  a member of " fatwa caln" ,  This Bangladeshi author's book based on the demolition of  "BABARI MASJID" it is said to have been offensive to Muslim and insulting Islam. So in 1993 it was banned in India.
One more example of Bollywood.  yash Chopra's film "FANNA" directed by Kunal Kohli. This film never released in Gujrat and faced an unofficial ban because the protagonist Amir Khan raised his voice against the height of the " Sardar Samovar Dam" which did not go down well some political authorites.

Thus , the clash between Art and politics not only the  matters of India, it's a universal now ...I want to bshare one poster of " First World War "in US,  1917 .
"Pershing in France ,- Berlin pr bust "
This poster showing American soldiers ,alongside the French ,with an apocalyptic scene to the back. General Pershing who ,commanded the American expeditionary force on the western front ,and uncle Sam stand in foreground .(instagram) 
As we see how art convey the political matters and defining in a very artistic way .As per my thinking politics is a part of Art but Art never be the part of politics .I put some interesting things about this particular topic that how art presents a political  situation of certain country or nation. 

So the clash between Art and politics is endless game as well as universal too. It's hard to find equal opinion about both inter contrast things , but politics has a certain tribulations for instance the very controversial case of kulbhushan ,

So the image of politics in India is like a " Arena of Hungry Demons" Art is better than that .