Monday, August 31, 2020




The study a language is indeed a wonderful things, language has a very prominent factors to make our knowledge area maximum broad. In our today's blog I like to represent such aspects of language areas witch may have different wordings but the meanings are probably the same . Language is inevitable part of human life , people, groups, society are communicate on the basis of their own culture , traditions and so far the manuscript. Time and again the language, pronunciations may change but among all the meaning generated the special effects which helps us to communicate, transfer the thoughts , on the other hand language my bind us in limited criteria. If I know the English well so I can speak English well, but what about other languages. In today's time we need to be more multilingual parallel with multi talented. 

So in this blog I try to differentiate the various aspects of language and it's attachments with meaning and how with the time, place, and with all responsible resources the meanings and language, communication take place. 

So let's talk about the three cafeterias of language, 





Fluency in or use of two languages.

learning a language is a great way to keep your mind or brain sharp and healthy. The advantage of being bilingualism is to know more words, new culture, new structures. 

The ability to speak two languages can make bilingual people better able to pay attention than those who can only speak one language, a new study suggests.

Here is some important notes about bilingual. while we studying this term we also come to know that this term consists the study of two language, one culture to other culture. it may create some troubles some times for example  "The mixture of two language"or " fail to do quick translation of one to other language"

Here, the maintenance between two language is crucial one. the proper study of two language consist the specifies way when two language aren't mingled with each other.

Human has the most unique thing on the earth which other living beings don't have. the language and so cultivated brain.  Though the use of this polished things humans are able to develop their culture,language and civilized lifestyle which differentiate human from animals. 

The example shows the benefit of being cultivated with the language more then one.


(uncountable) The condition of being trilingual; the ability to speak three languages.

Example are,

  • Je t’aime

Language: French

  • Ich liebe Dich

Language: German

  • してる (Aishiteru)

Language: Japanese

"Because you have two languages going on in your head, you become very good at determining what is and is not relevant," 

- Dr. Nina Kraus

The human has very firm capacity to think, to explain and to explore the things in a very polished way and this way is language. we have the ,meanings in our hands, we have the concepts in our brain, we have the experience from history. we have the broad coordination to explore,accepts and learn others culture,language and people too. 



is the ability of an individual speaker or a community of speakers to communicate effectively in three or more languages. Contrast with monolingual-ism, the ability to use only one language. A person who can speak multiple languages is known as a polyglot or a multilingual.

Examples are ,

अँग्रेज़ी में कहते हैं कि आई लव यू
गुजराती मा बोले तने प्रेम करू छू, छू, छू
बंगाली में कहते हैं आमी तोमाके भालो बाशी
और पंजाबी में कहते हैं
तेरी तो
तेरे बिन मर जाणा, मैं तैनु प्यार करणा
तेरे जियो नइयो लबड़ी, ओ साथी हो, नि बलिए
अँग्रेज़ी में कहते हैं...

This can be the important example of multi language . the way various languages unfolds with the conman meaning. it is believed that multi language speakers are outnumber monolingual speakers in the world population. Scientists have long suspected that some enhanced mental abilities might be tied to structural differences in brain networks shaped by learning more than one language, just as a musician's brain can be altered by the long hours of practice needed to master an instrument.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Epidemic and me

We are living in the 21st century where as stress,anxity, dipression becomes the very comman pheonominal, word of day to day life of people.The cruel monstar stands in 2020 named corona virus (covid 19) with bracking the chronolgy of power culture  and harmly effected people from low to high. Millions of people get infected across the world, apart from all the terror of death & infection privailing more among all. In that very sotuation of epidamic across the world the crucial struggle of fainacial , economical including emotional accurs to comman people to super power countris.

The very instructive thing come to me is that only Moral threds are not  enough to knit healthy  survival of human life , obeying the rules, self isolations, accuracy towards health is as important as our lives. So talking about my personal perceptions towards epidemic situations is itself embassing for me as well. This epidamic of covid will run longer so make ourself  habituated  with primary pricoations of flue,cold,drizziness etc.
“Positive vibes creates the plenteous bubbles of happiness which enlights the inner darkness and expand the ways of knowledge”

I always remember that and tried to find some informative things during this disturbing time and started reading such books of pandemic history. In that particular case of pandemic I wrote one blog which contains the informative views on historical books written during pandemic.